恩典Schroller的照片, leaning against a green pole for the tennis nets on Doane's blue tennis courts. Schroller wears a black shirt that reads "93.7票" and red corduroy pants.
大二学生恩典Schroller在93实习.7票 over the summer, a sports-talk radio station based in 林肯.

本文作者:Nick Knopik, contributing writer and former assistant director of leadership and service / Portraits by Liz McCue, 通讯和媒体关系助理主任

恩典Schroller adjusts her headphones and looks at the producer sitting to her right as he counts down from ten.

她走近安装在她面前桌子上的麦克风. She subtly twists side to side in her chair - the only sign of her nerves - as the cameras begin recording and the microphones go live. 她那鲜红色的St。. 红雀队的t恤和她周围的环境非常相配, 好像, 比如工作室的红墙和家具, 她属于那里.

Schroller is beginning her first live radio broadcast of The Doane Sports Project on 93.7票. 当她第一次在电视上发表讲话时,她坐了下来. 这一刻已经酝酿了好几个月. 她准备好了.

Six months previously, Schroller couldn’t have imagined herself on a live radio show. 作为一名主修市场营销的商科大一学生, 她想在暑假期间获得一些实践经验, 但她不确定去哪里找实习机会. She met with Stephanie Hemje, the experiential learning coordinator at Doane. Hemje showed Schroller how to 搜索 for marketing internship opportunities on 握手Doane的在线实习和就业门户网站.

施洛尔说:“我申请了三份不同的实习工作. “我接受了三次面试,都非常有趣.”

One of her interviews was for a broadcast marketing intern position with 93.The Ticket是一家位于美国东北部林肯市的体育谈话广播电台. 她在The Ticket面试了三次,最终得到了这个职位.

恩典Schroller, 谁长了?, 卷曲的棕色头发,穿着黑色t恤和橙色裤子, 站在93号的牌子前.7票.
施洛尔站在93号的牌子前.7票, where she had her first summer internship and continues to work on digital and social media projects. 图片来源:恩典Schroller

在她暑期实习的第一天, two things immediately s太d out to Schroller about the culture at The Ticket.

“每个人都向我做了自我介绍,并和我握手. 这是 all very professional, and they were all very welcoming,” she said. 通过早期的相互作用, her anxiety about fitting in with the staff at the station quickly disappeared.

The second thing that s太d out to Schroller was a specific instruction she received on her first day at work.

“他们告诉我,‘不要带咖啡、早餐或任何东西来. 我们把它放在这里.施罗尔说:“我真的很兴奋.

The Ticket catered breakfast and lunch for Schroller each of the three days per week that she worked her internship. As a college student spending the summer away from her home in Marysville, 堪萨斯, 免费的食物是一个很大的福利.

“I was on a budget with my groceries, so it was really nice to have the free food option,” she said.

Schroller’s early duties at The Ticket involved assembling schedules for the station’s dozens of weekly radio shows, 为直播和社交媒体设计图形, 跟踪电话抽奖的获奖者. She was doing a lot of the station’s creative and logistical behind-the-scenes work, 这让她很忙.

“Almost every day, there was a different graphic or stream to design,” she said. “这些东西花了我一段时间.”

入夏几周后, 德里克·皮尔森,the Ticket的老板, came to her with an idea to create a new show highlighting the student-athlete experience at Doane. 施罗尔自己也是一名学生运动员,她欣然接受了这个机会. She contacted other Doane student-athletes and assembled four students interested in sharing their stories in a series of weekly hour-long radio shows that Pearson and Schroller named The Doane Sports Project.

他们在讨论节目的构思, Pearson mentioned that he wanted Schroller to contribute her voice to the Doane Sports Project, 太. Schroller is a student-athlete herself and a member of the Doane women’s tennis team. 作为队里唯一的女学生运动员, Schroller offered a unique perspective not captured by the four other male student-athletes.

恩典Schroller坐在93号录音棚的麦克风后面.与学生运动员扎克·费伊和盖伊·莫兰的门票. The top of the desk and walls are painted Husker red, and the base of the desk is black. Behind the three students are black-framed windows and a glass door that lead to the rest of the studio.
Schroller (left) sits with fellow student-athletes Zach Fye (center) and Guy Moran (right), 两个老人, 93岁时在录音室里.在林肯的票为澳门威尼斯人网址体育项目. 图片来源:恩典Schroller

起初,施洛尔有些犹豫. 她“完全同意为这部剧招募人手,但她并不完全相信自己能上电视. 她总觉得自己是在幕后茁壮成长, 不是放在前台, 而且肯定不是在现场直播.

“我当时想,‘我以前从来没有这样做过. 我是安静的. 我不是一个乐观和健谈的人,’”她说.

经过一番考虑,Schroller决定接受这个机会. 她和Blake Skoumal搭档, 男子高尔夫球队的三年级队员, 布雷迪·蒂姆, 男子篮球队的三年级队员. 他们一起创作了一个名为“Swish, 摇摆不定的, 服务”的节目.

第一集于2023年9月29日播出. 这是 YouTube直播、Twitch、Facebook以及93频道的广播.7票. 当摄像机开始转动,麦克风开始工作时, Schroller, Timm and Skoumal introduced themselves and chatted for an hour about their experiences as student-athletes at Doane.

施罗尔分享了她作为一名网球运动员的故事, 这是她在高中学习的一项运动,她很有天赋. 她解释说,到了决定上大学的时候, a tour at Doane that included a visit with the Doane tennis team made her decision easy. 她觉得校园很美, 她为自己在网球队看到的融洽关系感到兴奋.

“当我去看网球队比赛的时候, 我喜欢他们的团队精神,Schroller在《澳门威尼斯人网址》第一集中说, 摇摆不定的, 服务. “I knew that if I went through this program and I was under my [current] coach’s wing, 他会教我很多东西.”

Anyone who has seen Schroller perform on the tennis court or live on Swish, 摇摆不定的, 服务者很快就会注意到她安静的自信. 她在节目中回顾了自己最近的经历, she pointed out some similarities between her role as a student-athlete and her new role on the radio.

恩典Schroller的照片, leaning against a green pole for the tennis nets on Doane's blue tennis courts. Schroller wears a black shirt that reads "93.7票" and red corduroy pants.
从网球场到93岁的麦克后.7票, Schroller continues to build confidence in her skills and herself. 

“我总是在赛前感到紧张, just because I know that I’m capable of performing well and I want to make people proud,施洛尔说. 这也适用于《威尼斯人官网》.”

In the seconds before going live on the radio, many thoughts run through her head.

“我紧张. 我不想在广播中搞砸,因为大家都在听.”

In those moments, she reminds herself of a mantra she repeats before tennis matches.

“我赢得了这个位置. 我很擅长这个.”

在节目中,施罗尔听起来很有天赋. The audience would never guess she has any nerves or anxiety about speaking live on the radio. 施洛尔承认,在这次经历之前,她很保守. She worried about what others would think about her if she spoke her mind. 她克制住了自己.

“你不能在电视上那样表现你的个性,”她说. “在节目中做自己,自信是人们喜欢的.”

从很多方面来说,在the Ticket的实习改变了施洛尔. She returned to Doane in the fall and changed her major from business to media communications with a minor in marketing. She continues working for The Ticket part-time and still hosts Swish, 摇摆不定的, 服务 each month.

除了一些营销经验和三个月的免费食物, Schroller gained something from her internship that she can take anywhere her promising future leads her.

“Not only have I grown as a person, but my confidence has grown,施洛尔说.


你可以在Swish上听到Schroller的声音, 摇摆不定的, 服务, which will be in regular rotation on The Doane Sports Project at 10 pm CST on Wednesday nights on 93.7票 或在 YouTube. 接着说 @thedoane.sportsproject 在Instagram.